Rain or Shine Walking Food Tours Gain Momentum

By Dawnie March 22, 2011

With all the rainy weather and the first day of spring almost over……one might be wondering what they can do outside for fun despite old man winter still sticking around to make a nuisance of himself.

If you like to eat, get to meet new people and share in some great food then you might want toconsider taking a walking food tour in your downtown area or the city you are visiting.  Walking food tours are held rain or shine and are gaining in popularity for the best activity to participate in with family and friends.  Participants are primarily inside the tasting locations and enjoy hearing all the great historical facts and stories from their tour guide.  Rain won’t take away the experience you will witness as you take a food tour.  Rain or shine, the  experience you will receive by being a food tour participant is well worth the outdoor conditions that might be hitting your area with weather.  Your food tour ticket includes food tastings such as delicious warm soup, fresh hot pasta, fresh coffee or hot tea, piping hot pizza….all to warm your body and soul and entertain your taste buds.   Bring your family, friends and anyone else who is wanting to go explore your city!  Here is a list of the top 5 items we recommend you bring along on a “rainy day” to make your walking food and cultural tour experience the best time you could have.

5 Top Items to take with you on a rainy day to a walking food tour:

1.  Raincoat and or umbrella.  Boots or waterproof shoes

2.  Bottled water

3.  A waterproof bag/back pack to keep your papers and personal belongings dry

4.  A camera –  you will still find many “kodak” moments

5.  Your sense of humor that no matter what….you will be guaranteed fun with your food tastings led by your talented food tour guide